Where Faith Fits In

My name is Julie Tindell. I am a pretty good wife, a mom of two awesome kiddos, a sister, a daughter and a loyal friend. I also have a very strong faith.

I often wonder when wearing all these hats where my faith fits in. The obvious answer should always fit in. But somehow it doesn't. I often find myself caught up in mundane day to day life, distracted by the latest news head line, social media noise and feeling that I have ultimate control over my life. When I think this way, it really has never worked out for me. Deep down I know better.

Whenever I have put my faith first I am better at everything I do. I realize it is a choice...daily with all decision big or small. This beautiful small medallion reminds that I don't have to fear what's to come, I don't have to know all the answers. It reminds me to choose faith everyday. I hope you choose faith too!

Julie Tindell